Digital Lifestyle | The Philippines Accelerating ICT Infrastructure Reaping Results

PLDT Fibr SpeedTest from Davao City

The Philippines is on track to make its ICT infrastructure to be at par with its neighboring countries in the ASEAN region. With the latest progress seen in the Ookla Speetest Global Index for the month of May 2021, the Philippines placed 77th (with 31.98 mbps speed on mobile data) out of 134 countries or 7 ranks higher than its previous month ranking. Also on the same month, out of 180 countries, the Philippines ranked 65th (with 58.73 mbps speed on fixed broad band) that is 15 ranks higher than its previous month ranking.

The ICT in the Philippines is really improving over the years. The infrastructure of communications is improving and the new telecommunications company is already making its rounds of expansion in the country, giving a great potential of faster services in many areas in the country. The improvement in the country is ongoing, Globe and Smart Networks are also continuing to beef up their existing network coverage with faster services. There are also other telecommunications players providing services that can also compete with the major telco players.

With the competitive infrastructure in place and ongoing expansion, the Philippines may be seen in the future as among the ICT hubs in the world. It will also invite many investors in the ICT industry to invest more in the Philippines with the skilled workers in the Philippines can also compete globally. Aside from that, many start ups will also increase as ICT is being harnessed to provide solutions using digital technologies in many day-to-day undertakings.

Hopefully, with this improvement and future of the country's ICT, it will also speed up digital technology literacy among Filipinos. There are ICT products that even using simple commands, many are still not able to get the feel of improved lifestyle brought by technologies. There are opportunities still not maximized. Yet, very hopeful in the coming years!

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